Scalable Quantum Systems @ UW


Trapped ions have long coherence times and innate all-to-all connectivity. However, the infrastructure needed to scale this nearly-perfect quantum system is still not in place. In this lab we’re focused on:

  • Increasing control and connectivity in engineered quantum systems.

  • Using these systems as a testbed for quantum information processing.

See the Research Page for more information.

We’re looking for postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates to build the next generation of trapped ion experiments!

Postdoctoral Positions:

I am looking for an experimental postdoc with a Physics or Engineering PhD. The ideal candidate would have experience in free space optics, ultra high vacuum systems, and atomic physics. Candidates with experience in integrated photonics and nanofabrication are also encouraged to reach out. If you’re interested in learning more about the position please send an email to smouradi at uw dot edu.

Graduate Students:

I will be taking new graduate students this year for fabrication and implementation of integrated photonics for control of trapped ions. Please apply to UW ECE.

Undergraduate Students:

I will be taking undergraduate students in the spring and summer terms. If you’re interested in learning more about optics, mechanical design, and quantum information, please send an email to smouradi at uw dot edu. Please include a paragraph about why you’re interested in the lab along with a transcript and CV.